Brock University: Soup-erb turnout for Brock’s annual lunchtime United Way event


Warm welcomes and hot soup were served at Brock University’s annual Souper Star Lunch for United Way.

Brock’s President and Vice-Chancellor Lesley Rigg addressed a sold-out crowd of 200 faculty, staff and alumni who gathered for the fundraiser for the local not-for-profit organization.

After sampling seven soups prepared by Brock Dining Services chefs and served by Faculty Deans, event attendees voted for their favourite.

Winning the Souper Bowl trophy with 65 votes was the Faculty of Graduate Studies for the wild mushroom and truffle with gorgonzola soup.

Other soups on offer were butternut squash bisque, fire-roasted red pepper and tomato, Canadian cheddar and beer, corn and crab chowder, maple and five onion, and mulligatawny chicken.

This year’s event made its biggest fundraising impact yet thanks to in-kind sponsorship from Brock’s Dining Services partner Aramark Canada. Aramark covered 100 per cent of the cost of the event, which means all proceeds from ticket sales will count towards Brock’s $160,000 workplace campaign goal for United Way Niagara. With the addition of proceeds from the lunch, Brock’s United Way campaign has raised more than $84,000.

Employees interested in donating are encouraged to do so by Friday, Nov. 11 at 11:59 p.m. to qualify for an early bird raffle to win a $100 Campus Store gift card. New donors will also be entered into a second raffle to win a $100 gift card and their donations will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to a United Way matching grant.