Building a Better Future – Five Years after the Nepal Earthquake

ADB, with cofinancing from USAID and Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, has reconstructed 162 schools in 14 districts affected by the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. The newly constructed schools are earthquake resilient with improved facilities and systems.
More than 60,000 students are now learning in resilient and safe schools and are better prepared for future disasters – 5 years after the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal.
Build Back Better has been the foundation of ADB’s reconstruction support to Nepal after the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015.

ADB supported the social and economic rehabilitation of communities affected by the disaster, construction of resilient schools, and preparedness against future disasters. The newly constructed schools are not only earthquake resilient, but also provide a safe learning environment for children with improved facilities and systems.

More than 60,000 students are now learning in resilient and safe schools and are better prepared for future disasters.