Call for Entries: 2020 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2020 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.

In the upcoming cycle, UNESCO introduces the “Special Recognition for Sustainable Development” and an updated set of Awards criteria to acknowledge more prominently the role and contribution of cultural heritage to sustainable development within the broader framework of Agenda 2030.

The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation recognizes exemplary efforts by individuals and organizations to restore or conserve structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. It encourages other property owners to undertake conservation projects within their communities, either independently or by seeking public-private partnerships.

Since 2000, the Awards have recognized 249 winners from 22 countries for their thorough understanding of the places, sound technical achievements, and significant social and policy impacts at the local, national and regional levels. By recognizing these practices, the Awards have contributed to meaningful achievements in changing the conversation about what constitutes cultural heritage, who has a stake in its stewardship, and how cultural heritage can contribute to the sustainable well-being of cities, societies and the environment.

In 2019, UNESCO celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Awards programme through a regional event involving the conservation community in the Asia-Pacific region, including past winners, Jury members, heritage practitioners, academics, local governments and stakeholders. The event reflected on the Awards programme’s 20 years of experience and provided an opportunity for the conservation community and wider public to envision the future together with a shared responsibility for cultural heritage conservation. It was agreed during this event the importance of addressing the future issues facing heritage and sustainability, particularly with connection to the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

The deadline for the receipt of materials is 30 June 2020.

To Apply for the 2020 Awards and for relevant resources, please visit the announcment