Canada announces support to empower women in Southeast Asia and help build sustainable peace

In Southeast Asia, women face rising extremism and targeted violence as COVID-19 exacerbates existing conflict and fragility.

Today, the Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, announced that Canada is providing $8.5 million over 5 years, beginning in 2020, to UN Women to empower women, prevent violence and promote social cohesion in Southeast Asia.

The Minister made the announcement at the virtual high-level global conference Strengthening Women’s Role in Building and Sustaining Peace: From Commitments to Results, hosted by Vietnam and the United Nations.

Canada’s financial commitment will help address gender equality and discrimination against women and girls in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states, advance Canada’s women, peace and security agenda, and build sustainable peace and security in Southeast Asia.

Canada’s support will advance the empowerment of women in peace and security efforts by promoting their participation and leadership in peacebuilding.

In selected countries, activities will include engaging communities and youth to challenge social norms and boost community-led initiatives to prevent and address conflict and contribute to building sustainable peace (for example, by supporting and accompanying women’s organizations as they engage in and influence peace processes).