Cardiff University Expert Recognised For Teaching Excellence

A Cardiff academic has been recognized for her teaching excellence and commitment to her students with a national award.

Dr Emma Yhnell, a senior lecturer in the School of Biosciences, has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from Advance HE.

The prestigious Fellowship celebrates individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession and is recognised internationally as a mark of quality.

Dr Yhnell is an award-winning science communicator and educator who is passionate about making science more entertaining, inclusive and accessible.

Her teaching covers neuroscience, biochemistry, molecular biology and disease mechanisms.

“I am absolutely delighted to congratulate Dr Emma Yhnell on receiving this highly prestigious award. Emma is an outstanding role module and advocate for teaching and learning and brings an inclusive, innovative and creative approach to all her work.”
Claire Morgan, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and Student Experience
Dr Emma Yhnell, Senior Lecturer in the School of Biosciences, said: “I am absolutely thrilled to accept such a prestigious award for teaching and scholarship which is widely recognised in Higher Education within the UK as well as internationally as a mark of quality.

“I would like to thank those who have supported and mentored me, and especially those in the Learning and Teaching Academy at Cardiff University who supported my nomination.

“It is such a privilege to be able to support and guide students both academically and pastorally on their individual journeys while they are studying with us at Cardiff University.

“I hope that by winning this prestigious award and joining the community of National Teaching Fellows, that I can help to raise the profile and recognition of teaching and scholarship excellence across the University as well as more broadly across the Higher Education sector.”