Career guidance conversations with parents of prospective applicants

Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Humanities L.N. Yusupov and O.M. Sherekhova held a career guidance meeting with the parents of schoolchildren of secondary school No. 5.
The teachers told the parents of potential students about the university and the benefits of studying. Parents were provided with information about the conditions of study at PetrSU, various types of scholarships , opportunities to participate in various creative teams , sports clubs and other associations, as well as about the prospects of employment after graduation. Parents got acquainted with information about the educational structure of PetrSU, its institutes and the Military Training Center , where young people can undergo military training and receive the rank of sergeant and reserve officer.

The teachers told in detail about the PetrSU website and showed how to navigate on it and find the information of interest.

Meetings with the parents of prospective students are extremely useful, since it is the parents who often help their children decide on the choice of a profession, and also provide them with moral and material support during the years of study. We are grateful to the teacher of secondary school No. 5 E.A. Ridal for his help in organizing a meeting with the parents of his students noted the organizers of the event.