Career orientation programme held

ALIGARH : The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University organized an interactive-cum-orientation programme for the first and final semester students.

Prof Akram A. Khan, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences welcomed the speaker, the Training and Placement Officer (General), Mr. Saad Hameed and discussed the various opportunities for development in the field of agriculture.

Mr Hameed spoke on the growing challenges and critical issues in the recruitment processes in public and private sectors and underscored the importance of choosing a right career.

Prof. Iqbal Ahmad, Chairman, Department of Agricultural Microbiology and Coordinator, Centre of Agricultural Education (CAE) conducted the programme while Dr. Mohd. Shamsuzzaman from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Administration, who is also the TPO, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, extended a vote of thanks.

The programme concluded with a Q&A session.