Center for Academic Writing of PetrSU is launching a course on academic writing for students in the 2021/22 academic year

The Center for Academic Writing of PetrSU is launching a course on academic writing for students in the 2021/22 academic year.
The discipline “Academic writing” or “Academic writing” in Western universities occupies a central place in the higher education system, since it is aimed at the formation of basic academic literacy.

Academic writing contributes to the acquisition of research skills, the development of scientific thinking, the formation of a scientific style of writing, which requires the use of not only a special style of presentation, but also the ability to argue and paraphrase, follow a certain structure of the text, as well as correctly draw up a list of references, cite and insert links.

Of particular relevance is the ability to write scientific and academic texts not only in Russian, but also in English in connection with the development of science and technology, where English is the main language of scientific communication.

At the end of September, at the organizational meeting of the Student Scientific Society of PetrSU, the head of the Center for Academic Writing of PetrSU T.A. Babakova, Doctor of Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, and the Center’s moderator L.N. Yusupova, senior lecturer at the Institute of Foreign Languages, presented the center for the first time, told about the activities and specifics of cooperation between the center and the Student Scientific Community for the coming academic year. Over two weeks, more than 30 applications were received from students of all levels of training, from bachelors to undergraduates, from various institutes and areas of training. The specialists of the center were pleasantly surprised by the interest shown in the scientific writing style of freshmen and sophomores, who make up the majority of the course attendees.

On October 15, the first organizational meeting on the course “Academic writing” was held at the Youth Innopark of PetrSU. The specialists of the Center T.A. Babakova and L.N. Yusupova told the students about the peculiarities of the bilingual course, determined the goals and areas of work, discussed the schedule and topics of further meetings.

During the academic year, the leading specialists of the center will deliver two lectures a month in Russian and English. At the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to publish their scientific product, on which the guys will work in the next semester. All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion for the course, which can be included in the Achievement List for the Advanced Research Fellowship.

In October, there will be two meetings on the topic “Academic writing and Academic writing”, as well as introductory lectures on the features of the academic writing style in Russian and English-language scientific discourse.

On October 21, the lecturer Tatyana Anatolyevna Babakova, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of the Center for Academic Writing, will speak.

On October 25, lecturers Oksana Leonidovna Dobrynina and Evgenia Ivanovna Sokolova, candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Natural and Technical Directions and Specialties, will speak.