Center for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

On the basis of the Department of Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Center for Psychological Health and Emotional Well-being was created, which is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
The aim of the Center is to provide conditions for preserving, maintaining and strengthening psychological health and emotional well-being of the population as a whole, improving psychological culture, promoting the professional development of practicing psychologists, increasing the psychological and emotional competence of specialists in “helping professions”, teachers and teachers of educational organizations.

The main activities of the Center are

Professional development of practical psychologists, conducting master classes, intervisions, certification and supervision.
Increasing the psychological competence of teachers, social workers, specialists from institutions in other fields of activity.
Provision of psychological assistance to the population (counseling on issues of parent-child relations, child development, education and upbringing, marital relations, personal and professional problems, organization and conduct of psychological support groups)
Individual and family counseling for families raising children with disabilities, diagnostic procedures, correctional and developmental classes
Conducting individual and family counseling, trainings and seminars for various groups of the population
Carrying out vocational guidance and professional consulting work with various groups of the population
Providing psychological assistance and support to students, staff and teachers of PetrSU.
Already now, teachers of the Department of Psychology, within the framework of the Center’s work, provide free psychological assistance to students and staff of PetrSU. The nearest plans of the Center’s work are to conduct training seminars and master classes with school psychologists in Petrozavodsk, –

said Melnik Yuri Ivanovich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Center for Psychological Health and Emotional Well-being.