Central Asian Nations Discuss Enhancement of Hydrometeorological Services Initiative

ALMATY  – In a significant move to bolster regional collaboration, representatives from Central Asian nations convened at a workshop in Almaty to forge a roadmap and action plan for a proposed second phase of the World Bank-supported Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP II). This gathering underscore an advancement in regional cooperation and modernization efforts in the area of hydrometeorological services across Central Asia.

Hydrometeorological services are crucial for informed early warnings and decision-making in sectors like energy and agriculture, and critical for helping manage weather and climate risks. On average, for every dollar spent on early warning systems, the benefit is about nine times that amount. And when it comes to improving ground-level observations in places where there isn’t much data, the return is even more impressive—over twenty-five times the investment.

The proposed CAHMP II builds on the achievements of previous CAHMP Phase I, which delivered significant enhancements in regional hydrometeorological cooperation and established the Central Asia Flood Early Warning System (CAFEWS). The proposed project’s next phase is dedicated to reinforcing regional and national hydrometeorological systems, concentrating on the provision of services and products that facilitate effective management of weather-related variability, promote green development, support climate change adaptation, and enhance disaster preparedness.

The workshop featured discussions on the challenges and prospects of advancing regional hydromet cooperation, with speakers from the World Bank, the World Meteorological Organization, regional entities such as Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS), and the Regional Center for Hydrology contributing to the event.

Key issues discussed during the workshop included the enhancement of hydromet infrastructure, data collection, processing, forecasting, warning dissemination, and service delivery. The event also served as a valuable platform for delegates from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to exchange experiences and deliberate on opportunities for regional cooperation within the framework of CAHMP II.

Driven by the demand for refined hydromet services in weather-sensitive sectors, CAHMP II is committed to prioritizing the development of services and products that cater to the specific needs of these crucial industries, while simultaneously continuing to bolster disaster risk management services.