Chad’s Higher Education Minister Hosts Delegation from Alexandria University

Within the framework of the Egyptian state’s keenness to support joint ties with all African countries and expand the horizons of cooperation, and within the strategic framework to support Alexandria University’s N’Djamena branch in the Republic of Chad, Dr. Tom Erdimi, Minister of State for Higher Education and Vocational Training in the Republic of Chad, received a delegation from Alexandria University headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, at the Ministry’s headquarters, to discuss aspects of joint cooperation in the field of higher education.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Konsowa conveyed the greetings of His Excellency Professor Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to his Chadian counterpart. The Minister of the Republic of Chad expressed his sincere greetings to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education of the sisterly country of Egypt and expressed all appreciation to the Egyptian state, and its scientific and developmental role, as well as Alexandria University’s branch keenness and continuous efforts to expand the horizons of joint cooperation, providing programs compatible with the needs of the State of Chad and the Central and West African region, especially in the field of agriculture and veterinary medicine. He called for the continuation of joint initiatives and research projects and the expansion of educational programs to strengthen cooperation ties, create a brighter future, and achieve common development goals for both countries.
For his part, Dr. Konsowa stressed the keenness of Alexandria University to support its N’Djamena branch to provide a distinguished educational service to its students. He explained that the branch will have an enlightening and developmental role, and an attraction gateway for students in the Central and West African region. He pointed out that new specializations that the community in Chad and the region needs will be created in this branch, which will maintain the sustainability of the university branch and will be part of the development process. He also pointed out the possibility of opening the way for students of the Chad branch to obtain joint degrees from Alexandria University and a number of international universities, as well as the intention of Alexandria University to open a medical center that will be a nucleus for cooperation in the field of health and medical programs, pointing to the university’s goal of developing human cadres in Chad to complete the performance of the scientific thesis there. He also stressed the university’s keenness to support the branch academically, scientifically and artistically in a way that will have an impact on the sister country of Chad.