Changes Afoot at Aalto University Metro Station this Summer

During the summer, safety at Länsimetro metro stations will be improved by changing the fire alarm system and improving lighting. This will affect the entrances and access routes to the metro stations. The changes will not affect metro services or timetables.

Entrance to Tietotie:

  • The modification works will start on 3rd June 2024, with estimated completion in week 28 (week of 8 July).
  • The entrance will be completely closed, meaning that both the escalators and the lift will be out of service. Access will be via the Otaniementie entrance only.
  • The emergency exit route will remain in use, but only for emergency exit from the platform to the street.

Otaniementie entrance (A Bloc shopping centre):

  • Modification works are expected to start in early August, and last approximately 5 weeks.
  • The plan will be refined during the summer.

The HSL Route Guide will be updated to include entrance closures, i.e. the Route Guide will show the correct access routes even during the modifications.