Chennai Student Selected for IEEE EMBS Research Conference, Florida, USA.


Chennai : Harpita Pandian, student from Chennai has been selected to present her neuro-engineering research poster at the 46th Annual International Conference IEEE EMBS at Orlando, Florida USA. She is the co-author of the paper ‘LSTM Neural Networks for Decoding orofacial Behavioral States from Local Field Potential of Primary Motor Cortex During Feeding Behavior’, along with her mentor, Dr. Kazutaka Takahashi, PhD MIT. Having just graduated high school through the IB Diploma Program at CPS Global School, a poster presentation at a professional conference is a great milestone for this young researcher.

Harpita’s research is funded by the Lumiere Research Program, where she was initially selected as a Foundation Scholar. Along with her twin brother Harpith Pandian, she will be travelling to the US for the poster presentation at the conference, taking place from July 15-19th.

Harpita quoted “My fascination for neuroscience peaked when I participated in two classes – Investigations in Neuroscience and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence as a part of Stanford’s Pre-Collegiate Summer Programs. Brain-computer interfaces are a transformative technology, and we’re going to see their significant potential in healthcare, neuroengineering, and human-computer interaction over the next decade. Though I’m only at the beginning of my journey, I certainly want to be a part of this fascinating race to bridge the gap between mind and machine.”

The twins Harpith and Harpita are quite well known globally as “The Great Australian Spelling Bee Twins”. They are the Founders of an EdTech Company, Classminds ( where over 8000 students have enrolled and enriched their Spelling, Language & Communication Skills. Harpith and Harpita received the Global Child Prodigy award 2022 in Dubai under the category of entrepreneurship for their impact in helping students across the world to enrich their communication skills, life skills and self-confidence. The twins are also student ambassadors of Youth ExNoRa and ExNoRa International. They lead their global social initiative, Youth Inspire Talks(, in an effort to spread awareness and literacy to students on crucial, global problems. Harpith and Harpita were also awarded the Youth Social Visionary award for upskilling over 200,000 students in the past 8 years.

Harpita quoted, “It’s exceptionally rare for high school students to have their research recognized at a professional level, but it is certainly possible. I highly recommend other curious students to explore and participate in research programs, no matter how young or inexperienced you may be.

My own research experience was filled with immense learning, and the fun of it was discovering more of what I did not know. I sincerely thank my mentor Dr. Kazutaka Takahashi PhD MIT, for guiding and supporting young researchers like myself.

Taking up independent research is a challenging yet rewarding way to improve your academic expertise in any field. I encourage students to take up ambitious goals and strive for innovation in any domain of interest.”

In the future, the twin entrepreneurs have plans of exploring the fields of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning as they are certainly the frontiers of future development. They certainly aspire to build a deep tech company into an innovation hub, focusing on product research and development.