Chief Secretary reviews arrangements to mitigate dengue outbreak

Directs to take all necessary measures for dengue’s containment and treatment


SRINAGAR : The Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta today chaired a meeting to review the medical preparedness in mitigating dengue breakout in Jammu and Kashmir.

Additional Chief Secretary, Health & Medical Education, along with concerned officers and medical professionals participated in the meeting.

It was informed that the Jammu province is witnessing a rise in dengue cases which has necessitated a dedicated campaign to prevent accumulation of stagnated water; breeding of vector mosquitoes; early detection of dengue infection; and availability of suitable medical care.

The Additional Chief Secretary briefed the meeting about the need to undertake extensive thermal fogging exercises across the region as a precautionary measure and introduction of larvivorous fishes in ponds besides making arrangements of free testing for early detection of dengue infection. He stressed the processing of test samples within 12 hours to reduce the response time in cases where the patient tests positive for dengue.

Chief Secretary Dr. Mehta impressed upon the Department to issue cautionary advisories/alerts and carry out an extensive IEC drive highlighting the Do’s and Dont’s to contain and mitigate the disease by preventing water pile up; mosquito breeding; mosquito bites, besides, making operational a dengue helpline to extend telephonic consultation on dengue-like symptoms.

The Health and Medical Education Department was also asked to ensure proper treatment facilities for dengue patients through dedicated cell/wards and appropriate human resource deputation.