Chief Secretary Sh.Atal Dulloo chaired a meeting to discuss strategies for reducing travel time on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway (NH-44) for fruit-laden trucks

Chief Secretary Sh.Atal Dulloo chaired a meeting to discuss strategies for reducing travel time on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway (NH-44) for fruit-laden trucks. He emphasized the need for a comprehensive plan to ensure smooth movement of these vehicles and minimize losses for growers. Key decisions included:
– Marking fruit-laden trucks with special stickers for identification and priority access
– Enhancing enforcement on critical road stretches
– Optimizing use of alternate routes like Mughal Road and Jawahar Tunnel
– Directing oil tankers and empty trucks towards Mughal Road
– Utilizing lean windows for heavy vehicles
– Improving road surface and blacktopping potholed areas
The meeting aimed to address congestion and reduce travel time for perishable items, promoting efficient traffic management and better road infrastructure.