CM Kamal Nath releases book “Chunav hai badlav ka”

Bhopal : Chief Minister Shri Kamal Nath has said that the governance-administration must have a positive outlook for the progress of the state and effective implementation of public welfare schemes. He said that after becoming Chief Minister, I have made an effort to change the mindset of saying no, to the mindset of saying yes to improve the system. He said that I am preparing such a profile of Madhya Pradesh that the identity of the state should be established not only in the country but in the whole world. Shri Kamal Nath was releasing the book “Chunav hai badlav ka” written by journalist Brijesh Rajput at a private hotel today. On this occasion, Public Relations Minister Shri P.C. Sharma was also present.

The Chief Minister said that it is easiest to say no to any work because on saying yes you have to do the work and give results. He said that after becoming the Chief Minister, the biggest challenge before me was how to change this mindset in the system. Shri Nath said that my efforts in this direction are continuous. He said that political change does not bring change, we also have to see what change has come in the way of working of the machinery that is working in the delivery system. He said that today there has been a change in every field, the expectations of the people for whom we are working have increased. In such a situation, it is necessary that the way of working of our system also changes so that we can get better results.

The Chief Minister said that I can see from the perspective of voters why they wanted this political change that has taken place in Madhya Pradesh after 15 years. The challenge before us is to understand the feelings of change in voters and work accordingly. There should be revolution in the field of agriculture for the economic prosperity of the people in the state, to make the life of the people happy. Until and unless the agriculture sector is not strengthened, the economy cannot be strengthened because 70 percent of the state’s population is directly and indirectly dependent on agriculture. Increase in economic activity is must because only this creates employment opportunities and a basic economy. Shri Kamal Nath said that after good production, how to utilize the produce better is also a challenge for us. Our procurement system is of the time when there was less production. We will also have to change that system so that farmers can sell their produce easily and they can get the right price. The Chief Minister said that our policies should also be simple. A policy that blocks our development is of no use. Referring to creating an environment of trust for investment, he said that we have changed our policies, which brought investment not only from our country but also from abroad in many areas.

The Chief Minister said that after the change, we had another challenge which was that of financial crisis. The previous government announced several such schemes without budget provision. Along with the empty coffers, we have to bear the financial burden of these schemes also. Due to excessive rainfall, farmers and infrastructure have had to suffer losses worth Rs 8 thousand crores. We are working with management even in these adverse circumstances.

The Chief Minister said that the field of news media has also witnessed change. After print media, electronic media and now Google and Internet have brought about a new revolution in the field of communication. In this, the biggest challenge before all the people connected with our media is how to uphold the honour of their profession. He said that if the media goes in the wrong direction, then the country has to suffer.

Initially senior journalist Shri Rasheed Qidwai gave information about the author Shri Brijesh Rajput and his book. The author Shri Brijesh Rajput threw light on the content of his book writing. Journalist Shri Manoj Sharma conducted the programme.

Vice-Chancellor of Makhanlal Chaturvedi University of Journalism, Shri Deepak Tiwari, Information Commissioner of State Information Commission, Shri Rahul Singh and Shri Vijay Manohar Tiwari, former Union Minister Shri Arun Yadav and a large number of journalists, senior officials and representatives of various political parties were present.