Competition for the grant of the Head of Karelia has been announced

15 million rubles will be awarded to the winner of the competition for a grant from the Head of Karelia to support applied research and development of undergraduate and graduate students – an educational or scientific organization that will present a program to support such research.
The Regional Institute for Innovative Development – The Venture Investment Fund of Karelia announces a competition for a grant from the Head of Karelia to support applied research and development of students and postgraduates that provide a significant contribution to the innovative development of economic and social sectors of the Republic of Karelia.

Applications are accepted from 1 to 30 November.

The winner will be selected according to the following criteria:

experience in the implementation of research projects;
the number and level of publications of students and teachers of the organization in the high-ranking journals Web of Science and Scopus ;
the number of reports and reports at conferences, including international ones;
the number of results of intellectual activity obtained on the subject of scientific research;
scientific and pedagogical activity;
prizes, medals and other awards for the last five years preceding the application.
The Venture Investment Fund of Karelia will conclude a grant agreement with the winner; applied research and development under the program will need to be completed in the period from 2022 to 2024.

Projects will receive support at the expense of the grant, the results of which will become the basis for the innovative development of the internal market and the stable position of Karelia on the external market. They will provide a contribution to the implementation of the strategic priorities of the scientific and technological development of the region:

transition to advanced digital, intelligent manufacturing technologies, robotic systems, new materials and design methods;
creation of environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy;
introduction of personalized medicine, high-tech healthcare and health-preserving technologies;
maintaining highly productive and environmentally friendly agricultural and aquaculture;
counteraction against technogenic, biogenic, socio-cultural threats, terrorism and ideological extremism, as well as cyber threats and other sources of danger for society, economy and state;
maintaining the connectivity of the territory of the Russian Federation through the creation of intelligent transport and telecommunication systems, as well as taking and maintaining leadership positions in the creation of international transport and logistics systems, the development and use of space and air space, the World Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctic;
creating an opportunity for an effective response of Russian society to major challenges, taking into account the interaction of man and nature, man and technology, social institutions at the present stage of global development.
To participate in the competition, you must submit an application and information about the organization by November 30 to the Venture Investment Fund of Karelia at the address: 185035, Petrozavodsk, st. Andropova, 2 or electronically at [email protected] .
