Conference “Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education”

Student psychologists and teachers of the Department of Psychology participated in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education” (DHTE 2020).

Student psychologists and teachers of the Department of Psychology participated in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education” (DHTE 2020).

Students of the Institute of Education and Phycology and Elena Burachevskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology participated in the online section entitled “The Internet and Risks of Communication among Adolescents and Young People in a Digital Environment.”

The section was held in the framework of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education” (DHTE 2020), which took place in Moscow 19-20November 2020. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education hosted the conference. It was held with assistance and participation of the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia” and informational support of the psychological publicationportal

The conference featured the reports of leading research psychologists, representatives of the universities and scientific organizations of Russia and Belarus. The geography of the Russian participants was extremely wide: from Smolensk to Krasnoyarsk, from Murmansk to Nalchik.

PetrSUstudents, future psychologists, have acquainted with the research findings of leading scientific organizations: National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Drug Abuse named after Vladimir Serbsky, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, the Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education, the North-West Regional Centre of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The section raised extremely important questions and issues of modern adolescents and youth: digital environment risks, the Internet and adolescent students’ deviant behavior, the Internet and youth suicides (comprehensive psychological and psychiatric study results), cyber grooming and counter-measures against it, cyberbullying and participants’ individual psychological characteristics, socio-psychological opportunities and youth digital socialization risks, deviant behavior online (forms, monitoring and assistance technologies), models of prevention and forecast of student addictive behavior in a digital environment.