Dalhousie University Excels, Ranks 65th Globally in 2024 Impact Rankings for Global Issue Tackling

Dalhousie scaled new heights in this year’s Impact Rankings from Times Higher Education, placing 65th out of 1,963 universities for its work in helping tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges.

That’s an increase of 35 spots from last year and marks Dal’s best placement yet in the annual global rankings that measure how well universities are doing in supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The rankings offer an opportunity for universities around the world to provide input to showcase their work in up to 17 areas of sustainable development — each aligned with one of the UN’s 17 different SDGs. For the second year in a row, Dalhousie participated in all categories.

Indicators for each SDG focus on broad areas of research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching.

This year, Dalhousie placed 11th overall in Canada out of 24 participating universities and ranked among the top 10 universities in the country for five individual SDGs. It placed in the top 100 globally for six SDGs.

Dal’s top-ranked SDGs for 2024 were:

  • Life Below Water (SDG 14): Ranked 14th globally2nd in Canada.

  • Zero Hunger (SDG 2): Ranked 30th globally, 5th in Canada.
  • Life On Land (SDG 15): Ranked 44th globally, 6th in Canada.
  • Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6): Ranked 58th globally, 7th in Canada.
  • Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3): Ranked 73rd globally, 3rd in Canada.
  • Partnerships For the Goals (SDG 17): Ranked 89th globally, 12th in Canada.

“Dal is committed to advancing the UN SDGs,” says Dal President and Vice-Chancellor Kim Brooks. “Rankings will always be less important than the great work we do here to make the world a better place. Nevertheless, our inclusion among top universities is a testament to our global impact and to the hard work of extraordinary colleagues.”

Dal ranked in the 101-200 range in the following eight SDG categories: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16); Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9); Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11); Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8); Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10); Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7); and No Poverty (SDG 1).

A rising score

Dal achieved an overall score of 90.8 out of a possible 100 in this year’s ranking, up 2.5 points from last year.

A university’s total score is calculated by combining its score in SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) with its top three scores out of the remaining SDGs. For years 2023 and 2024, the score for the overall ranking is an average of the last two year’s total scores.

This score is used to position the university in the overall rankings.