Daniyar Almatov Elected Chairman of UrFU Kazakhstan Student Association

Daniyar Almatov, a student of the Ural Institute of Humanities, was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the Kazakhstan Student Association at the Ural Federal University. The election took place during the report and election conference of the community.

“I was imbued with a great sense of responsibility when the results were announced. I understand that there are about 1200 of our students from Kazakhstan behind me now, and I am their representative. I am a student of the sociocultural activities program, and I have plans accordingly. I would like to increase the cultural component of Kazakhstan in UrFU. We will hold weeks of national games, take part in the events of the youth community in Ekaterinburg, and cooperate with other communities. And, of course, we plan to increase the popularity and recognition of UrFU in Kazakhstan. I promise to do my best to make our association thrive and develop”, said Daniyar Almatov.

Daniyar thanked everyone for their active participation in the elections and for appreciating his efforts.

“Together we are creating a family united by common goals and cultural values, and I am proud to have the opportunity to serve you in the role of Chairman. I would like to thank my team and all the activists who contribute their time and talents to our community. Together we can achieve great heights and make our association even stronger and more united. Let’s put our ideas into practice, support each other and create a bright future for all of us. Thank you for your choice and trust”, emphasized the new Chairman of the Association.

The conference participants also decided to develop the “Mentors” project as actively as possible. It will involve mentors with a focus on the most popular fields of training among UrFU students from Kazakhstan: “Buildings Construction and Territories Development”, “Psychology”, “Clinical Psychology”, “Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering”, “Metallurgy”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Applied Economics and Finance”, “International and Corporate Management”, “Software Engineering” and “Applied Computer Science”. Alexander Ponomaryov, Executive Director of the Alumni Association of UPI, USU and UrFU, and Leila Kozhakova, Member of the Board of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association, discussed the details of the project implementation.

Currently, there are 1153 Kazakhstan students at UrFU. The Association has been creating various activities for the adaptation and successful immersion of UrFU students from Kazakhstan into student life for 11 years. There are 23 activists involved in four committees, which are responsible for settling students, organizing cultural, sports and intellectual events, informing students. The Association also actively informs students about student support measures provided by the Alumni Association of UPI, UrSU and UrFU. The rapid response group of the Association gives daily answers to students’ questions about migration registration, settlement in the dormitory and other aspects of life of a citizen of Kazakhstan in Russia. The Association also organizes a large number of cultural, entertainment and sport events.

In June 2023, nine students were awarded certificates for scholarships from the funds of the Kazakhstan endowment for special achievements in educational, scientific and sports activities.