DC inspects RSETI Kishtwar, GMS Malipeth



KISHTWAR : Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Dr Devansh Yadav today took stock of the functioning of Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) and inspected Government Middle School Malipeth.

During his visit to Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI), the Deputy Commissioner interacted with the women Self Help Group members and enquired about the benefits they have availed under Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP).

He reiterated the government’s commitment towards helping SHGs while interacting with women trainees.

Besides, the Director Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) briefed the Deputy Commissioner about the functioning of the institute.

The DC inspected the training Class Room at RSETI and examined different works done by Pass outs.

The DC impressed upon the RSETI management to introduce the courses in consonance with the District Skill Development Plan. He also instructed the concerned to conduct a survey of the district for a unified skill development plan.

Earlier, the Deputy Commissioner conducted inspection of Government Middle School Malipeth and took stock of the functioning of the School.

He checked the arrival/ attendance registers and took first hand appraisal of the implementation of Biometric Attendance System in the school.

Meanwhile, he also impressed upon the school authorities to ensure the physical presence of staff during working hours, besides maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the school.