DDC listens to people’s issues at Basohli

Kathua: District Development Commissioner Kathua Om Parkash Bhagat today organised a camp here at Basohli to listen to the issues of the people.
The public hearing was organized as part of ‘Block Diwas’, an ongoing initiative of UT Government to reach out to the general masses to listen to their grievances and demands.
During the camp, ADC Kathua Atul Gupta sought the status report from Block Development officer Basohli regarding the repair of hand pumps and centrally sponsored scheme PMAY. The BDO apprised that all the hand pumps in the block have been repaired. He further said that 99% target under PMAY has been achieved.
BDC Chairperson, Sushma Jamwal apprised the DDC that out of 46 hand pumps ,18 have been repaired but the water problem has not yet solved . She demanded early release of the allocation of funds for taking up of Pnachyat works as announced by the government. She demanded furniture for the panchayat ghars in the block for their smooth functioning.
Block Development officer Dhar Mahanpur apprised the DDC that repair work on Simmani to Adhat road has been started. The representatives from Dhar Mahanpur block demanded establishment of Police Post in the block for security and safety of the locals.
BDO Mahanpur informed that out of 17 hand pumps, 9 have been repaired. He further informed that three solar lights have been issued to each panchayat in the block. He said that repair work on Athoon –Athyalta road has been started.
The people from the block demanded opening of mining sites as the cost of mining material like sand, bajri and gravel has been increased as a result of which funds released to the beneficiaries under PMAY are falling short to construct the houses under the scheme.
During the camp, SDAO apprised that adequate stock of mustard seeds has been kept in each block for farmers. He said that out of 1500 applications for KCC , 800 KCC has been sanctioned .
Sarpach Jankhar complained that a receiving station has been constructed by PDD to make the power supply smooth in the area but has not been made functional yet.
The people representatives complaint that the protection wall of Chanchalo Mata Mandir has been damaged due to landslide causing danger to the Mandir.
The DDC gave patient hearing to the demands and grievances of the people and ensured early redressal of their demands .He passed direction to the concerned departments to redress their demand and grievances.
The DDC later visited Chanchalo Mata Mandir and accessed the damaged protection wall. DDC passed immediate directions for repair and restoration of the protection wall of mandir.
Similar programmes were organised in the other blocks of the district.
Among others SSP Kathua ,Tehsildar Basohli ,Tehsildar Mahanpur, BDO Basohli , Bhoond Mahanpur and Dhar Mahanpur, Xen PDD, Xen PWD, Officers from Animal Husbandry ,Sheep Husbandry ,Block Medical Officer.