Department of Earth Sciences and Geotechnology at the conference “Paanajärvi Discovery”

On the first day of December, the XX Interregional School Research Conference of Schoolchildren “Paanajärvi Discovery” began its work.
FSBI Paanajarvi National Park traditionally organized the conference with the support of Petrozavodsk State University, which this year was held in a new format – using Zoom and Skype videoconferencing software.

The purpose of the conference: exchange of experience in children’s research; drawing attention to protected areas; increasing public awareness of the activities of the national park and schools; expanding regional cooperation in the field of environmental education.

The conference participants are school students from the Republic of Karelia, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Vologda regions of Russia. The guys made reports in four sections – “Research Debut”, “Biology”, “Ecology” and “Local History”.

34 research topics were announced during the conference. The remote format of the conference allowed children from different regions to meet at the same creative platform and receive the approval of adult mentors and a professional jury, as well as visit virtual excursions in different nature conservation areas.

The work at the “Leaders’ Section” was interesting and relevant. Teachers from Lyceum No. 40 in Petrozavodsk O.Yu. Smirnova and O. N. Feklistova shared their experience in organizing the project activities of students and the implementation of the “Green School” project in the Lyceum. Professors of the Department of Earth Sciences and Geotechnologies of the Institute of Forest, Mining and Construction Sciences of PetrSU R.F. Antonova and T.V. Vaga talked about the interaction of the department with educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of continuous geographic education. E. Knizhnikova (Moscow) and E. Kolechenok (Petrozavodsk) presented the Movement of Friends of Protected Islands and the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren.

We would like to thank AV Protasova and Yu.Yu. Nikolaevskaya, as well as heads of sections and members of the jury.