Development and approbation of the model of the University School located in the countryside

A round table meeting was held on the results of the project “Development and testing of the model of a university school located in a rural area” on the example of cooperation of a school with. Vedlozero of the Pryazhinsky District and the Pedagogical Innovation Park of PetrSU.
The participants were: deputy directors of MCOU “Vedlozerskaya secondary school” for educational and educational work ON. Reshetina and E.V. Ignatieva, director of the MBOU “Loukhskaya secondary school” T.O. Dubrovskikh and her colleagues, project participants from PetrSU – Director of the Institute of Industrial Problems R.E. Ermolenko, Head of the Pedagogical Laboratory of Theory and Practice of a Rural School, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education (TyMNO) E.S. Kazko, head of the department of the Department of Education and Science S.I. Smirnova, specialist of the Pedagogical Laboratory of Theory and Practice of Rural School, senior lecturer of the Department of TyMNO O.A. Bychkov.

Rimma Yevgenievna Ermolenko described the current state of the regional education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and presented a model of the University School, developed on the basis of the concept of the University School located in the countryside.

The meeting was continued by Elena Sergeevna Kazko with the presentation of the educational-methodical manual on the results of the project. The content of the manual includes a description of work at all stages of pedagogical interaction.

Elena Vladimirovna Ignatieva and Svetlana Iosifovna Smirnova suggested the results of the discussion of the topics of joint research of school teachers and students / teachers of PetrSU.

All colleagues noted the relevance and efficiency of the work done and outlined plans for further cooperation. Tatyana Olegovna Dubrovskikh commented on the prospect of creating a University School in Louhsky District.