Director JKEDI distributes certificates among aspiring women entrepreneurs of district Ramban

Presides over entrepreneurship Awareness Program in ITI



RAMBAN : Director Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, today interacted with aspiring female entrepreneurs at the valedictory function of Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) organised for Tejaswini scheme beneficiaries by the JKEDI district centre Ramban.

The scheme is a special endeavour of Mission Youth, Government of Jammu and Kashmir provisioning financial assistance to young women for setting up gainful self-employment ventures suited to their skills, training, aptitude and local conditions.

The Director JKEDI stressed upon the need for inclusive growth through women empowerment and inclusion of tribal, backward and border population in nation building as is envisaged by the Hon’ble Lt. Governor of UT of J&K, Manoj Sinha.

A one-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme (EAP) was also organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) in collaboration with the ITI at Ramban. Ajaz Ahmad Bhat presided over the event.

In his address, he discussed the current economic situation of the Union territory and how entrepreneurship can revolutionize J&K’s development. “Such awareness programmes are being organized by JKEDI as part of its efforts to create mass awareness among the educated youth in the far flung areas of J&K about the realities of the labour market in the Union Territory and the scope for entrepreneurship and self-employment across various sectors”, he said.

He further said that various sectors, including food processing, horticulture, animal husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, bee keeping, dry pomegranate seeds, pickle making, restaurants and others have a huge scope.

“In order to be successful, one must be his or her own boss and simultaneously create employment opportunities for others. The government may not be able to provide job opportunities to all, but one should view this as a positive and search for other options and there is nothing better than entrepreneurship,” said Ajaz Ahmad Bhat.

B.R Magotra, Principal ITI Ramban, Assistant Director DECC, Dr. Sushant Mahajan, Ashraf Ahmad Sheikh, District Nodal Officer JKEDI, staff members of JKEDI and ITI Ramban and hundreds of students were present on the occasion.