Dr Rather from Ohio State University, USA addresses the students of GDC Doda in the series of live interactions titled “Career Guidance: New Ways Forward”

Doda: The Career Counseling and Guidance Cell in collaboration with the Training and Placement Cell, GDC Doda organized third session of virtual interaction on Career Guidance: New Ways Forward, under the direction and administration of Principal GDC Doda, Dr Shafqat Hussain Rafiqi. Like previous sessions more than hundred students and aspiring youth from different streams showed their presence. The aim of these events is to urge the students to pursue their careers as per current job requirements. Dr Tasir Sharief, Convener Career Counseling and Guidance Cell in his inaugural address familiarised the audience with the resource person and stressed upon the objectives and motives behind organising such events and advised the students to reap the benefits of such rare opportunities. Dr Sumit Kotwal, Convener Training and Placement Cell, Prof Mohd Ashraf Co-Convener Career Counseling and Guidance Cell and Prof Syed Kazim, Member, Career Counseling and Guidance Cell assisted as co-organizers in this event.
Dr Adil Majeed Rather, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ohio State University USA delivered the talk as guest speaker in the session. Dr Rather enlightened the participants about the various opportunities for bright career in India and abroad. He explained in very lucid and straightforward manner how to decode the puzzles of life and figure out the different steps involved in achieving bright career. He briefed the students about setting up of goals and adopting clear strategy to accomplish the same. He said that one should not get discouraged by challenges lying ahead in one’s life but should strive continuously for the attainment of set goals. He summed up some basic attributes like self motivation, multidimensional approach, exploring one’s talent, good communication and scholarly guidance etc. as a reasons behind every successful person and the only keys to prosper in the contemporary world. Likewise in previous sessions, Dr Jamsheed Ahmed, HoD Department of English, GDC Chatroo applauded the organizing committee for organizing such events and also encouraged the students to become part of such events. Dr Rather addressed the queries of the students and assured his assistance regarding higher education abroad by sharing his contact details.
The session ended with the formal vote of thanks proposed by Prof Mohd Ashraf. He expressed his gratitude to the resource person for sparing his valuable time despite having busy schedule and time-zone difference and also thanked the participants who made this event a success. Prof Ashraf also assured the students that more such events shall be organized in future.