EDII and Digital University Kerala launch Certified Blockchain Startup Program


New Delhi: Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, and Digital University of Kerala (DUK) along with Kerala Blockchain Academy (KBA) under the banner – DUK Prajna have come together to launch a Certified program for ‘Blockchain Start-ups.’ The program aims to equip start-ups and individuals with the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitude to understand and deal effectively with the issues, opportunities, and challenges of entrepreneurship and start-ups leading to the establishment of start-ups in the sector of Blockchain technology.

The first session of the program will begin on June 7, 2021 and is open to individuals, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and students who wish to establish a start-up in the sector of Blockchain technology. So far, 35 eligible participants have registered for the inaugural batch.

The inaugural session to launch the online program was held today virtually in the presence of Dr. Saji Gopinath, Vice-Chancellor, Digital University of Kerala, Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General of EDII, Dr Asharaf. S, Dean (Research & Development) of Digital University Kerala and Professor-in-charge of Kerala Blockchain Academy, Dr. Raman Gujral, Regional Director, Southern Region-EDII and Shibin Mohamed T K, Asst. Faculty and In-charge of Kerala office, EDII.

Explaining the relevance of the program, Dr Saji Gopinath, Vice-Chancellor, Digital University of Kerala, opined that entrepreneurship can improve the quality of living acting as the wheels of economic growth of the country. He added that Blockchain has the potential to act as a transformative technology thus grooming the talents with technology and entrepreneur skills can create long-last entrepreneurs in the blockchain space.

Speaking about the course, Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General of EDII, said, “Blockchain technology is at a very nascent stage in India. Many industries are still unaware of it or don’t understand its efficacy. However, it is a useful technology that can bring great value to sectors such as banking and finance, healthcare, supply chain, real estate, and so on. Hence, it is important to nurture entrepreneurship in this sector at this stage. EDII will be training individuals to help them establish a start-up in the sector of Blockchain Technology, The trained entrepreneurs will have tech-related information along with necessary entrepreneurial and management skills for setting up their start-ups in the Blockchain domain.”

The training will be conducted online by experts of EDII and Kerala Blockchain Academy. The duration of the program will be 14 days (6 Days of Blockchain Training + 8 Days of Entrepreneurship & Management Training). A minimum of five programs will be conducted by EDII and DUK in a year. The program will be available on: http://prajna.duk.ac.in.

The course will be focused on blockchain basics and how technology can be applied to different business verticals such as government, banking, supply chains, environment, health, and other sectors. The program will also analyze the concept of understanding entrepreneurship, defining startups, developing own tech startup ideas, building the right legal foundations, startup marketing, branding, fundraising and much more.

Both EDII and DUK will jointly promote the Program and will work on bringing out more nuanced courses for promoting Blockchain technology in the coming days.