Educators At Dalhousie University Transformed The Outdoors Into A Classroom


Wild berries, native Nova Scotian plants and salamanders. If your first thought was a provincial park, you wouldn’t be wrong. But did you consider Dal campus?

A group of educators from across Dal working under the banner of the Biodiversity Working Group has created a unique approach to helping students appreciate the richness of nature close at hand.

Using a unique blend of technology and nature, they’ve been able to offer an unparalleled level of learning to students on Dal campuses in Halifax and Truro. And this year, they have been recognized for this work as recipients of the Academic Innovation Award — part of Dal’s annual University-wide Teaching Awards (formally presented each year at the university’s Legacy Awards ceremony).

Made up of faculty members from the Departments of Biology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, and Plant, Food, & Environmental Sciences in the Faculty of Agriculture, the group organizes an annual event known as Dal Biodiversity Day — held each September — where students and experts come together for a day of exploration around the campuses in search of both animal and plant life that has called home on campus.

Recommended reading: Outstanding educators — Get to know this year’s university‑wide teaching award winners

The world around us that we miss out on

Using the community-driven biodiversity app iNaturalist, first- and second-year students in science classes are led by experts on walks around campus in search of the various species that are our fellow campus residents. As University Teaching Fellow Lara Gibson explains, students have also benefited from the contributions of experts from organizations such as the Natural History Museum, the Nova Scotia Bird Society, and many others.

Dr. Paul Manning is a huge proponent of iNaturalist, highlighting its many uses and how it can propel students into the world of biodiversity. With more than nine million observations in Canada alone, the app allows students to explore nature through crowdsourced data from coast to coast while interacting with likeminded individuals.

“It’s an amazing tool for education because of its wide range of applications from research to teaching,” says Dr. Manning.

Whether down by Salmon River in Truro or at the Indigenous Pollinator Garden by the Henry Hicks Building, the group stresses that a large amount of biodiversity is around us to learn about. Dr. Susan Gass reflects on how she herself has learned so much through the project, given that the project covers natural life beyond her area of expertise. “Considering the wide range of areas of expertise in our inter-disciplinary team, individually we’re still learning alongside the students about everything around us,” Dr. Gass said.

When asked about what there was for students to see on campus, the group jointly pointed out that areas of green on both campuses are home to lots of native plants and interesting insects.

“This is why we do what we do, so we can help people see our everyday space through new eyes and appreciate that life is all around us.”