Eight-year-old Lavik Jain authors his debut book ‘Alexandrian Knights’

New Delhi, 28th May, 2024:  Marking an inspiring debut, Lavik Jain entered the world of storytelling with the launch of his first young adult novel, ‘ALEXANDRIAN KNIGHTS’ at the Oxford Book Store, Connaught Place, New Delhi. The captivating fantasy book published by Pirates ‘Quignog’, one of India’s prestigious publishing houses, has hit the shelves across India and will be soon available globally on Amazon.com. 


Lavik, an eight-year-old boy with a boundless curiosity, stands out as a promising national literary phenomenon. His passionate storytelling is set to carve a unique niche in children’s literature. Born in the United States and raised in India, Lavik has travelled to over 10 countries. His move to India sparked a deep interest in the country’s diverse cultures and customs, inspiring his first book, ‘Alexandrian Knights’.  


A child holding a microphone and a book

Description automatically generated‘Alexandrian Knights’ is a thrilling sci-fi tale following four friends—Alex, Mike, Max, and Felix—from the United States. Driven by curiosity, they embark on an exciting quest to a mysterious village in Rajasthan, India. There, they enter a multiverse of supernatural entities and gain elemental powers to save the world from a dark force. This captivating story highlights the wisdom of exploring inner depths for true resolutions amidst challenging times. 


Sharing his literary journey, young author Lavik Jain said, “The inspiration behind my debut book stems from the enriching adventures and cultural encounters I’ve experienced around the world. ‘Alexandrian Knights’ is my humble attempt to grow both personally and creatively. Through this book, I hope to share a glimpse into my fantasy world and inspire readers to believe more in the power of self-belief and true friendships.” 


The book launch concluded with a heartfelt moment where Lavik Jain inspired the young attendees to become storytellers themselves. His enthusiasm and passion for writing resonated deeply with the audience, leaving the children motivated to explore their own creative potential, marking the beginning of many new literary adventures.  The event was attended by Mukund Sanghi, Co-Founder, Pirates Publishing, and a bunch of curious kids.


‘Alexandrian Knights’ is priced at INR 425 and can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.in/Alexandrian-Knights-Lavik-Jain/dp/9394105255  


About the Author – Lavik Jain:  

Lavik Jain, an 8-year-old with an insatiable curiosity and a love for exploration that extends far beyond his years. His passion for travel has become a cornerstone of his identity, shaping his understanding of the world, and fostering a keen interest in diverse cultures, and he takes great pride in travelling more countries than his years of age.  

Well-read and well-travelled, this young wordsmith and storyteller invites readers into a world coloured by the hues of different lands, providing a unique perspective that transcends the boundaries of age and showcases the boundless potential of child imagination. 

More information here: https://quignog.com/alexandrian-knights/