Eindhoven University Of Technology Gets Fund To Help Students With Innovative Projects


There is a new fund for TU/e students that supports their innovative projects around sustainability, sports, and inclusivity. It bears the name of the two students who died in a skiing accident in February 2022: Boris and Axel.

Boris Bakker (19) and Axel Verstegen (20) were friends and esteemed, enthusiastic Sustainable Innovation students. They were in the middle of student life and had many friends on our campus. Both were avid athletes and enthusiastic about sustainability and inclusivity. In this video their family members Lieselot, Frank and Dorrith share their memories about the boys and tell how the fund came to life.

The first deposit for the fund was made by the parents. The TU/e doubled this amount. The fund officially opened on Feb. 8, 2023. During a modest gathering two days before, Boris’ and Axel’s parents signed the agreements. They described the fund as a tribute to their sons. In their words: “We are happy that through this fund we can let Boris’ and Axel’s thoughts and optimism live on. They were two connecting boys who were positive in life and loved to share that optimism with others.”

An annual amount of up to 10,000 euro is available. A committee including family members of Boris and Axel, among others, evaluates the applications.

Robert-Jan Smits, president of the TU/e Executive Board: “We are extremely grateful to the parents. It shows great strength that they were able to shape such a valuable initiative out of their enormous loss.”