Elderly Problems Is Not Only Social Or Health, But Involves Other Factors

The National Council for the Rights of the Elderly Person (CNDPI) was restructured through Decree No. 11,483, of April 6, 2023 , since a large part of its collegiate body was removed by Decree No. 9,893, of 2019, of the previous government. The changes include greater participation by civil society, composition by 18 government entities related to each Ministry and, for the 2023-2025 biennium, the presidency will also be a representative of society, through the choice of the collegiate members.

“The issue of the elderly is not just a social issue or a health issue, it is a different issue”, highlights professor Yeda de Oliveira Duarte from the USP School of Public Health.

Advice for the Elderly
“In a few years, we will have more elderly people in Brazil than children up to 5 years old, because fewer children are being born and the population is living longer. I have to have a society that sees this, that looks at it and respects it, that works together”, comments the teacher. Given the importance of the elderly, the CNDPI also has important functions. The Statute of the Elderly, as stated by Yeda, dates from 2003, that is, it is 20 years since its creation and it is the role of the council to fulfill what was proposed: “Many things in the Statute, unfortunately, could not be carried out in their best form, so it is up to the Council also contribute to making this happen. It does not depend only on people linked to government entities, but, mainly, on civil society itself. It will ensure that the rights, already provided for in the Statute, are in fact fulfilled”.

“The main purpose of the council is to draw up guidelines for the formulation and implementation of the national policy for the elderly. It proposes objectives and priorities for the benefit of the elderly person”, adds the specialist. The CNDPI is responsible for supervising, monitoring, inspecting and analyzing all these issues that involve the well-being, coexistence, health, accessibility, among many other rights of this portion of the population over 60 years of age.

“Ageism is the most frequent and universal of prejudices”
“This part of the population is the fastest growing in the world, let’s understand this as a great achievement of society: what we cannot do is achieve an achievement and reject it. You need, in fact, to guarantee that people have all their rights preserved, that they are included in all topics that involve society”, points out the professor. She points out that Brazilian policies aimed at the elderly are very well written, but the obstacle is executing them: “It remains to turn them into reality. For example, including gerontology content at different levels of education, not only in training professionals, but in childhood, so that society grows up understanding intergenerationality”.

Aging is a stage of life and should not be considered a limiting factor or a disease, as it is often stigmatized: “It is necessary to ensure that the elderly are really considered and respected as citizens, that their dignity is preserved and that society understand that you are not doing him any favors, he is a member of this society”, concludes the expert.

The National Secretariat for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of the Elderly (SNDPI) should publish an announcement in early May about the elections for the positions of the CNDPI. “For these elections to take place in the best possible way, I think that civil society must be attentive and it will have a very effective and dynamic participation in this process”, adds Yeda.