Ensemble “Toive” of PetrSU will perform at the festival of national cultures in Moscow

And he will not only give concerts, but also hold a master class in Karelian choreography.
So all Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to join the Karelian culture. Of course, we are very worried, despite the fact that we already have a lot of experience. But we hope for the support of our viewers. We will try to charm the audience of Moscow. Preparations are in full swing, almost every day we hold rehearsals for 2-4 hours. We carry songs and dances of southern and northern Karelia, show Finnish mazurka and polka, as well as Ingermanland rentals, Karelian piirileikkas. The first one and a half hour concert will take place on June 8, the day of the Republic of Karelia,

– said Alevtina Voitovich, administrator of the Toive ensemble.

The concert will take place on June 8 at the Moscow House of Nationalities (Novaya Basmannaya St., 4, building 1).