ESCP Business School climbs to 4th worldwide for its Master in Business Analytics

ESCP Business School’s has been ranked 4th worldwide in the QS Rankings 2021 for its Masters in Business Analytics.  This ranking recognises the programme’s international position, but also the technical and professional dimensions that help establish its cutting-edge reputation.

The Master in Marketing (MMK) also came 5th worldwide, climbing an extra place from the previous year and reaffirming its position as a world leading programme.

The MMK delivers a unique student experience, focusing on the interface between creativity and analytical thinking in marketing management. The programme adopts a hands-on, original approach to the topics of creativity, marketing, management and analytics. Students spend time at the London and Paris campuses of ESCP, before completing a professional internship or direct employment to apply their skills in the workplace.

According to the director of the programme Marie Taillard “The MSc in Marketing and Creativity offers a platform where our talented and diverse students closely work with professors, practitioners and corporate partners to develop marketing skills, find their marketing style and build confidence in becoming marketing leaders of tomorrow. The QS ranking once again endorses the success of the programme in focusing on creativity and problem solving, social impact and sustainability, and digital transformation and analytics.”

ESCP also ranked 7th worldwide for their Master in Management (MiM) and 19th in Europe for its Global MBA in International Management.

 “Another strong QS ranking underscores our own strength and the outstanding record of achievement of our graduates. We are committed to ensure the best academic experience to all our students across programmes using this new hybrid approach, combining both augmented online and on-site teaching.  The professors have and continue to show incredible agility, adaptability and creativity to ensure the continuity of our students’ academic paths.” Says Leon Laulusa Executive Vice-President and Dean for Academic Affairs and International Relations.