Expert Professors from Utrecht University join the RHSSH


Five Professors at Utrecht University and one at UMC Utrecht have been appointed as new members of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (RHSSH, in Dutch KHMW). As members, together with about 550 other scientists, they are responsible for organising scientific activities that reduce the distance between citizens and science.

The RHSSH is the oldest ‘Learned Society’ in The Netherlands. Since 1752, the society has been promoting science by building a bridge between science and society. Every year, new members are appointed in February. This year, Antal van den Bosch, Maarten Kleinhans, Albert Meijer, Corné Pieterse, Wendy Schrama and Jim van Os join.

What does the appointment mean for the new members?
© Antal van den Bosch
Prof. dr. Antal van den Bosch
Antal van den Bosch (Faculty of Humanities): “This appointment is an encouragement to continue to commit to societal applications. For my field, it means the chance to find even more applications of my profession, artificial intelligence. Unlike ‘big tech’ solutions, academic research offers openness and responsible development of AI.”

Prof. dr. Maarten Kleinhans
Maarten Kleinhans (Faculty of Geosciences): “For eight years now, I have been organising the Christiaan Brunings Lecture, which connects science with society in the same way Brunings, the first director of Rijkswaterstaat, did. Brunings was a member of the RHSSH at the end of the 18th century, and now I also get to follow in his footsteps in this way. I hope his spirit still haunts there because I still have a few questions.”

Prof. dr. Albert Meijer
Albert Meijer (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance): “The RHSSH is a 250-year-old society with a rich history. I personally find it valuable because the RHSSH emphasises the connection between science and society. This connection plays an important role in my work and the RHSSH provides opportunities to build on this. Furthermore, the RHSSH has a series of awards for (young) scientists designed to encourage creative and valuable research. I find it honourable to be able to play a role in awarding these prizes that contribute to stimulating science with value for society.”

Prof. dr. ir. Corné Pieterse
Corné Pieterse (Faculty of Science): “Great that, following in the footsteps of my scientific ancestor Johanna Westerdijk, I was elected as a Utrecht phytopathologist to become a member of the oldest “Learned Society” of the Netherlands. Within the RHSSH, science and society come together. I look forward to participating in that.”

Prof. mr. Wendy Schrama
Wendy Schrama (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance): “I find it extremely honourable to be nominated and appointed as a member of the RHSSH. I hope to contribute to the purpose of the RHSSHin the coming years. Building bridges between science and society is always important. Especially at a time when the line between fact and opinion is not straightforward, the significance of bringing science and society closer together is great. I look forward to being a jury member, for example, for one of the many awards for which the RHSSHprovides independent judges.”

Prof.dr. Jim van Os
Jim van Os (UMC Utrecht): “When your peers deem you worthy of membership of such an illustrious historical-science society, you are momentarily silent – and grateful for all the collaboration over the years with dear colleagues. Science is collaboration in the broadest sense.”