Experts deliberate upon “Code to Care: Digital transformation of Healthcare” at Amity University


Amity Institute of Public Health and Hospital Administration, under the aegis of Amity Health & Allied Sciences Domain, Amity University Noida, organised a Symposium titled, “Code to Care: Digital Transformation of Healthcare”. The Symposium was aimed at bringing together leading experts to discuss the latest advancements in Digital Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and applications for sustainable AI practices in healthcare.

Emphasizing upon the role of technology in the healthcare industry, Chief Guest, Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President, Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations (CAHO), New Delhi, averred, “Every medical device has been reinvented in the digital era and almost all devices are digital. New technologies provide an avenue to address many previously intractable problems, transform cost models, and greatly improve patient outcomes. AI and Machine Learning enable improved diagnostics and precise clinical therapies and digital health platforms help in efficient remote monitoring, assessments, and therapeutics. The use of robotics in microsurgery, telesurgery and rehabilitation has made the healthcare industry highly advanced, accurate, precise and affective.”


Dr Suren Shukla, Advisor PwC, Sr. Consultant, SBISR Hospital &AIIMS, Jammu, stated, “The healthcare market of India is full of opportunities and India’s public expenditure on healthcare touched 2.1% of the total GDP in FY 22-23. Today, there is a large pool of well-trained medical professionals in the country and the government has allocated a budget of approximately Rs 89,000 crore for the healthcare industry. Digital Health Technologies which include electronic health records, telehealth, telemedicine, mobile health, wearable devices, health information exchange, digital therapeutics, AI & Machine Learning are gaining popularity and being increasingly used by healthcare professionals. The use of AI in the detection of lung cancer, breast cancer and other kinds of cancers is benefitting the industry professionals and patients immensely. In addition, Machine Learning is being used for improving genetic association discovery, which was very difficult earlier.”


Highlighting the significance of the Symposium, Prof (Dr) B C Das, Dean, Health & Allied Sciences, stated, “Technology has played an integral role in transforming all aspects of life including healthcare. New technologies have been adopted in the healthcare industry which makes the work of the healthcare workers and doctors very easy and are also highly beneficial for the patients in accurate diagnosis. Technology helps in achieving accurate results, which is very important while diagnosis a major disease or ailment. This Symposium will throw light upon how technology has revolutionised the healthcare industry and will be highly beneficial for the students of Health and Allied Sciences domain.”


The Symposium concluded with a Q&A Session wherein the queries of the students were answered by the experts and it was attended by the students of Amity in large numbers.