Extension lecture held on adverse effect of immunization

ALIGARH : The Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, organized an extension lecture on the “Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)” with Prof. Jamal Masood, Principal and CMS, Era’s Medical College, Lucknow, delving into the historical evolution of AEFI reporting in India.

He elucidated the classification and various types of AEFI, providing insights into the criteria and methodologies involved in reporting AEFI incidents among hospitalized individuals.

Prof. Masood shared his personal experiences and responded to the queries of the participants during an interactive session following his lecture.

Welcoming the guest speaker, Prof. Saira Mehnaz, Chairperson, Department of Community Medicine, said that the lecture aimed at enhancing awareness among residents regarding the significance of comprehending AEFI and the crucial aspects of its reporting.

Dr. Sameena Ahmad proposed a vote of thanks.

The faculty members and senior and junior residents of the Department of Community Medicine were preened during the lecture.