Extra-mural lecture held on mental well being

ALIGARH : The Centre for Continuing and Adult Education and Extension (CCAEE), Aligarh Muslim University organized an extra mural lecture on “Mental Health and Well-Being: Staying away from Substance Abuse” by Prof Shah Alam, Chairman, Department of Psychology.

In his lecture, Prof Alam stated that mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn and work well and contribute to society in a productive manner. He said that harsh parenting and physical punishment affects child’s mental health and undermines his or her ability to excel in the field of his interest.

He stressed the importance of protective factors that strengthen resilience in children and help them become strong socially and emotionally. These factors include positive social interactions, quality education, decent work, safe neighbourhoods and community cohesion, among others.

Prof Alam urged the learners to keep away from drug addiction as this can be a major cause for mental disorder in youth.

The Director of the centre, Dr Shamim Akhtar extended a vote of thanks.