Extra-mural lecture held on Mother and Child care


ALIGARH  : The Centre of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension, Aligarh Muslim University organized an extramural lecture on “Mother and Child Care” by Prof. S. Manazir Ali, JN Medical College.

Dr Ali emphasized the rights of a mother and child and urged all to respect a mother’s rights to be properly nourished during the pregnancy and after delivery. He said that the prosperity of life depends from the very beginning and the birth of a healthy child reflects the health of the mother as well. A healthy nation depends on a healthy mother.

He stated that in rural areas where about 90% of deliveries take place at home, people should be educated to bring the pregnant ladies to the nearest health centres where doctors can take care of them and their babies in case of any problem during or after delivery. He urged the mothers to breastfeed their babies as the most ideal food for newborn babies up to six months is the mother’s milk. He said that the weight of a baby at the time of birth should be 2.5 kilograms.

Dr Ali pointed out that about 27 million women become pregnant every year and 26 million mothers deliver live babies. The maternal mortality rate is 97 per 100000 live births while the infant mortality rate is 27.69 per 1000 live births. The Neonatal mortality rate is 24.9 per 1000 live births and the under-5 mortality rate is 41.9 per 1000 live births.

Dr Shamim Akhtar, Director of the centre, welcomed the guest speaker and extended a vote of thanks.