First leg of “Back to Village-IV” programme commences in 68 Panchayats of district Ramban



RAMBAN : With main focus on Nasha Mukt, Bhrashtachar Mukt, Bhay Mukt and Rozgaar Yukt Panchayats and youth as well as development oriented programmes, the 1st leg of “Back to Village” Phase-IV commenced today in district Ramban to assess the implementation of Government schemes on the ground level.

District Administration Ramban, under the aegis of Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam, mobilized the senior officers and functionaries to monitor and make the B2V4 programme a successful event.

The “Back to Village-IV” activities are scheduled to be completed in all 143 Panchayats of the district in 4 legs.

On Day one, the programme was started in 68 Panchayats of four blocks of Banihal, Khari, Ukhral and Ramsoo.

After receiving a warm welcome from locals on arrival to their assigned Panchayats in the morning, the visiting officers interacted with representatives of PRIs and general public and took a detailed appraisal of their grievances and problems.

The Visiting Officers also sensitised the people about initiatives taken by the Government to strengthen the Panchayati Raj Institutions in UT of J&K and give a renewed push to the planning and development efforts at the grassroots level.

They also visited the Panchayats and inspected schools, health institutions, AWCs, water bodies, tube wells, Pacca Paths, water and power supply schemes, ongoing development works, implementation of flagship schemes besides private enterprises. The officers, in presence of PRIs, also inaugurated developmental works completed under different sectors in the Panchayats.

Later, they also interacted with the frontline government functionaries, youth and prominent citizens and discussed core problems and issues being faced by the locals of the Panchayats.

During the programme, sports activities were also organized by the school education and Youth Services and Sports Departments. Sports material was also distributed among the youth and senior citizens in various Panchayats.

Exhibiting keen interest in the Back to Village-IV programme, the people highlighted their grievances and proposed various suggestions and measures to visiting officers for overall development of their villages.