Five TU Delft Researchers Awarded Prestigious Marie Curie Grants

The European Commission has awarded five Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchange 2023 grants to talented scientists from TU Delft. Staff Exchange, formerly known as Research and Innovation Staff Exchange, is a staff exchange program between countries and sectors to encourage the development of sustainable collaborative projects between different organizations, from both academic and non-academic sectors, based in and outside Europe.

The five Marie Curie grants awarded are for:

Evolution in Security and Privacy for 6G networks – ENSURE-6G
Aaron Ding, Technology, Policy and Management (TPM)

Space Architecture design and prototyping in planetary analogue environments – ArchiSpace
Henriette Bier, Architecture and the Built Environment

Motion Control Systems of Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicles – MOCO
Barys Shyrokau, Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Understanding Neutral Weed Communities – Crops Interactions and Identification of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Species-Specific Weed Management Using Robots – NEUTRAWEED
Cosimo Della Santina, Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Metallo-enzymes and Cells for Green Environmental Alternatives – McGEA
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn, Applied Sciences (AS)