“Floral Symphony”: A Celebration of Nature’s Canvas by Shan Re and Romicon Revola at Bengaluru’s Gallery G

Bengaluru : In a harmonious fusion of artistry and environmental consciousness, “Floral Symphony” emerges as a breathtaking tribute to the splendor of nature and the imperative of environmental sustainability. This artistic endeavor, brought to life by contemporary Indian artist Shan Re, invites viewers to delve into the intricacies of flowers while igniting a fervor for preserving our planet’s delicate ecosystem.

This exhibition of 50 plus works will be on display at Bengaluru’s Gallery G from 15th to 30th September.

The canvas becomes a mesmerizing realm where vibrant colors and intricate petal patterns converge, beckoning observers to explore the nuances of the natural world. Shan Re’s intention is to immortalize the fleeting beauty of flowers, preserving their essence for generations yet to come.

Going beyond visual aesthetics, “Floral Symphony” serves as a poignant reminder of our shared responsibility to safeguard the environment and lead lives that nurture sustainability. These flowers, far from mere garden adornments, serve as crucial pillars of our ecosystem, sustaining pollinators and providing sustenance and shelter to countless other organisms.

Shan Re’s artistic technique is nothing short of remarkable. In her quest to encapsulate her subconscious visions, she abandons traditional tools and, instead, employs her fingers as instruments of creation. The result is a liberating experience where color flows freely, unencumbered by brushes or knives. The canvas becomes a stage for an artistic dance where the mind guides the hand, forging a connection with nature’s wonder.

“I place the canvas flat on the table and work, sometimes if the canvas is too large, I put it on the floor and walk around and paint. I work long hours and try to finish at a stretch, to maintain the rhythmic flow,” says Shan Re.

Colour is the life force of her art, serving as a symbolic language that weaves narratives beyond the visual realm. It stimulates a psychic vibration within her, unlocking the gates of creativity. Each hue in her paintings holds stories and communicates on a profound level, engaging viewers in a dialogue with their inner selves.

Also on display during this exhibition are the works of Shan Re’s daughter Romicon Revola, known in the art world as Romi. A prominent contemporary visual artist hailing from Bengaluru, her multifaceted artistic endeavors encompass monumental public sculpture, installation art, video, and digital art, garnering acclaim both nationally and internationally.

Four sculptures by Romi from her series on ‘Trilokini and Maya’ will be on display during the show. Trilokini and Maya are symbolic female characters envisioned to represent a new world vision that celebrates the unity of humanity and nature. Their presence serves as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with the environment, urging us to explore the profound connection that exists between us and the natural world.

“My work often explores that mysterious, elusive space that lies between the utopian and the dystopian. While suggesting both an intimacy and a monumentality, my approach reflects the paradigm “the personal is the global”. I believe that each one of us is a microcosm of the universe,” says the artist.

Her artistic legacy also includes a series of large-scale public sculptures that adorn various tech parks and campuses. These sculptures are not only visual marvels but also embody Romi’s commitment to bringing art into the public sphere.

“Nocturnal Bloom” is more than art; it is an invitation to celebrate the marvel of nature, a poignant call to protect our environment, and a testament to the boundless creativity of Shan Re and Romicon Revola. Join us in this journey of wonder and reflection.