From Wonders Lost to a Future Sustainable: Navigating the Path of Mindful Tourism

By Kanishka Raj


Have you ever found yourself entranced by tales of the Pharos of Alexandria or marvelling at the stories of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Maybe you’ve been awed by descriptions of the Colossus of Rhodes or the Temple of Artemis? And surely, you’ve heard of the indestructible Great Pyramid of Giza, right? These marvels once crowned as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World share an underlying thread—most of them have faded into the annals of history, with no tangible remnants left for our admiration.

It’s heart-wrenching, isn’t it? These awe-inspiring landmarks, epitomes of human achievement and ingenuity, have been reduced to stories and sketches. Their absence prompts an uneasy question: As we forge ahead, creating modern wonders, do we risk the same oblivion? Do we wish for future generations to know our accomplishments as mere tales, feelings of disheartened helplessness their only remnants?

Journey with me to an unsettling future. Picture Paris, the renowned City of Romance, where the Eiffel Tower, stripped of its iconic charm, resembles a mere utility pole. The illustrious Parisian skyline, once a marvel, now gasps under a smoky haze. The once-lively boulevards, teeming with cafes and boutiques, are choked with endless streams of vehicles, their incessant honks narrating a tale of lost allure.

Shift your gaze to India, where the Taj Mahal, the epitome of undying love, stands battered and tarnished. The once-pristine white marble now weeps under layers of grime, while the tranquil Yamuna River by its side stagnates, polluted and lifeless. The lush gardens and melodious fountains have yielded to neglect and decay, painting a somber picture of beauty overshadowed by apathy.

While these visions might seem plucked from a dystopian novel, they’re potential realities awaiting us in a few decades. But this isn’t just a tale of doom. It’s a wake-up call, a reminder that we aren’t mere bystanders. We have the power, the responsibility, to shape our narrative, to ensure that our wonders, both natural and man-made, endure for generations to behold.

As we mark World Tourism Day 2023, the theme “Tourism and Green Investment” underscores our role in paving a sustainable path forward. The UNWTO emphasizes the urgency to diverge from traditional approaches and champion innovative solutions, ensuring a harmonious blend of economic growth and environmental conservation.

And how do we achieve this? By investing holistically.

  • For the People: By prioritizing education and skills, ensuring that millions of aspiring individuals globally have access to top-notch tourism training.
  • For the Planet: By focusing on sustainable infrastructure and green transformation. The immense potential, from greener buildings to climate-resilient solutions, beckons our attention and commitment.
  • For Prosperity: By nurturing innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. As we stand on the brink of a digital era, leveraging these tools will be pivotal in crafting a sustainable tourism blueprint.


This World Tourism Day let’s not just reminisce about lost wonders or fear a grim future. Instead, let’s band together—international communities, governments, financial institutions, and private investors—and chart a mindful, sustainable course for tourism. A journey where we not only “take only pictures” but ensure we “leave no footprints”, making certain that our marvels, both old and new, endure for all time.

To conclude, let’s embrace the poetic vision of eco-tourism, sustainability and a journey towards better future.

“Take only pictures, Leave No footprints”

A Poem dedicated to celebrate the World Tourism Day


In the heart of the world so vast and wide,

Where nature’s secrets and mysteries reside,

A traveller ventures with camera in hand,

Seeking to understand each grain of sand.


“Take only pictures,” the whispering wind sings,

Capture the flight of the eagle’s wide wings,

The shimmer of water, the glow of the dawn,

But ensure that no trace of you lingers on.


The mountains echo with ancient tales told,

Of brave hearts and spirits, of knights bold,

But their message for us, in modern times clear,

Is to tread softly and hold our world dear.


“Leave no footprints,” the rivers implore,

As they carry their tales from shore to shore,

Let no mark mar the path that you tread,

For countless will follow where you have led.


In the heart of the forest, where shadows play,

Where sunlight filters in a golden array,

The trees stand tall, their wisdom profound,

“Respect our home, this sacred ground.”


So, traveller, as you journey each mile,

Embrace the world with a gentle smile,

For in your hands, its fate does rest,

“Take only pictures, and leave only your best.”


Honour the beauty, the wild, and the free,

With memories captured, let all else be,

In your heart carry stories, adventures, and fun,

But leave the world untouched, as if you’ve just begun.


By Kanishka Raj

Email: [email protected]