Fuel-from-waste win at Falling Walls Lab competition

New Delhi: PhD researcher Chelsea Tucker was named among 10 Emerging Talents at the international Falling Walls Lab competition for her organic waste-to-fuel system.
PhD researcher Chelsea Tucker was named among 10 Emerging Talents at the international Falling Walls Lab competition for her organic waste-to-fuel system.
University of Cape Town (UCT) PhD researcher in chemical engineering Chelsea Tucker was recently named one of 10 Emerging Talent winners in the international Falling Walls Lab competition. Her entry, “Breaking the wall of energy insecurity in Africa”, is based on the Decentralised Diesel system she designed for her PhD.

Falling Walls Lab is an international forum for outstanding young innovators and creative thinkers in science, technology, medicine and other fields. The link is to the Berlin Wall, which fell in 1989 after separating East and West Berlin for nearly 28 years. The platform allows young innovators to introduce their “breaking walls” ideas to the public.