GDC Sidhra Organised Declamation Competition on  ‘Right to Vote’


In continuation of the SVEEP activities in  lieu of upcoming General  elections  of State Legislative assembly 2024 , Electoral Literacy Club of GDC Sidhra organized  a Declamation Competition on the theme “Right to vote” Under the able guidance of Worthy Principal of the College Dr.G.S.Rakwal.

The Program began with welcome address given by Dr. Meesha Bhagat ,Convener of Electoral Literacy Club. She highlighted about the importance of voting rights in a Democratic Country like India  and briefed the students about their role in the electoral process and  political  decision making in the Country. Stusents were further acquainted with the prescribed rules in relation to time, content and presentation of the Declamation Competition.

The students of various semesters participated in the competition with full fervor and zeal. They endeavored their best to express their views, perspective  and ideas about the above mentioned topic of the Declamation. They expressed  that in lieu of upcoming General elections in the state, all citizens of J&K who are eligible to  vote are given a chance to exercise  their franchise. They highlighted that “every vote matters” and being an eligible voter, it is the duty of every Citizen to cast their vote  religiously.

The competition was judged by Dr.Harpreet Kour, Head Department of Political Science  and  Dr. Purvaiya Hans, Head Department of History on the basis of content, data and presentation of the participants. First position was bagged by Tawyeeb Khan of B.A Sem III while Asmina of B.A sem III was  adjudged  at second  position and Shahjahan of B.A  Semester III  was at third Position. The programme was concluded by Dr. Deepak kumar, PTI wherein  he encouraged  students to cast their votes impartially and asked them to convey a message to their family members and near ones regarding an active participation in electoral process.

Worthy Principal of the College, Dr. G. S Rakwal congratulated all the meritorious students and lauded the efforts of all the participants. All the faculty members were present in the event.

The event was organised by Dr.Meesha Bhagat, Convener, Electoral Literacy Club  with an active support of its committee members.