General Lok Adalat held across Kashmir



SRINAGAR : The General Lok Adalats were today held across all districts of Kashmir under the directions of JK Legal Services Authority, by the respective District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs), for amicable settlement of cases of different natures.

The matters placed before the benches include civil, matrimonial, maintenance, domestic violence, recovery of money or loan, Motor accident compensation, revenue, criminal compoundable and cheque bounce cases, etc for settlement.

In Srinagar, under the insightful directions and patronage of the Chief Justice, Justice Tashi Rabstan, who is also the Executive Chairman JK LSA and Administrative Judge for District Srinagar, 4th General Lok Adalat was today organized at District Court Complex Srinagar.

The General Lok Adalat was inaugurated by Jawad Ahmad, Principal District & Sessions Judge, Chairman, District Legal Services Authority Srinagar at ADR Centre, DLSA Srinagar, in presence of other judicial officers and general public.

The identified cases were placed before 09 different benches constituted by District Legal Services Authority Srinagar for settlement.

Further, the matters pertaining to dispute with regard to drainage in the locality of Mujgund area of Srinagar was brought before the bench which was amicable resolved and almost two thousand beneficiaries were benefited from that settlement. Moreover an amount of Rs. 02 Crore and 60 lacs was settled in pre litigation matters.

Moreover 16 number of MACT claims were amicably settled with the insurance companies wherein a total amount of Rs. 72 lacs was settled and accordingly cheques were distributed to the concerned families by Jawad Ahmad PDJ Srinagar and Sandeep Gandotra (Presiding Officer MACT Tribunal)

Nonetheless, a total number of ­­­­­­22,000 matters were taken up for their amicable settlement, out of which ­21069 matters were settled. Besides, an amount of Rs. 04 crores was realized in total in the settlement.

At Baramulla, the Special Lok Adalat was organised under the Chairmanship of Principal District & Sessions Judge Baramulla, Mohammad Yousuf Wani and under supervision of Secretary, District Legal Services Authority Baramulla, Muzamil Ahmad Wani.

At District Court Baramulla, the Lok Adalat was inaugurated by the Principal District and Sessions Judge wherein 11 benches were constituted for hearing the cases. A total 945 different Cases/ matters were taken up in which 683 different Cases/matters were amicably settled. An amount of Rs. 11,95,200 was realised in different cases amicably settled.

At Ganderbal, the Lok-Adalat was held under the supervision and Chairmanship of Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Chairman District Legal Services Authority (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Ganderbal, and under the guidance of Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal.

On the occasion, 03 benches were constituted for the amicable settlement of cases and overall 726 cases were taken up for settlement out of which 699 cases were amicably settled/Compromised on spot. Rs. 39,12,282 was awarded as Bank recovery matters, Public Utility matters and other matters.

As part of Legal services activities, law students of School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir, Ganderbal were also made to visit the court and observe the proceedings of Lok-Adalat in order to gain knowledge about the procedure & practical part of it.

At Pulwama, a General Lok Adalat was organized in District Court Complex Pulwama under the Chairmanship of Naseer Ahmad Dar, Chairman District Legal Service Authority ( Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Pulwama.

A total of 05 benches were constituted that took up 280 cases of different nature out of which 116 cases were amicably settled and an amount of Rs.7942694/- was realized.

At Shopian, General Lok Adalat was held today in the court premises of District Court Complex Shopian under the Chairmanship of Riyaz-Ul-Haq Mirza, Chairman District Legal Services Authority (Principal District & Session Judge) Shopian.

For the said General Lok Adalat, 03 Benches were constituted by the DLSA. The Benches took up 43 Cases out of which 24 Cases were settled amicably with a settlement amount Rs.37,91,200.

At Kulgam, a General Lok Adalat was held today in District Court Complex Kulgam, under the chairmanship of Pr. District & Sessions Judge Kulgam, Mohammad Ashraf Bhat (Chairman District Legal Services Authority Kulgam).

Five benches were constituted in the said General Lok Adalat that took up 502 cases out of which 338 cases were amicably settled. An amount of Rs.24,30,810 was realized in different cases.

At Kupwara, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Kupwara organized a General Lok Adalat across District Kupwara in which a total number of 07 benches were constituted for taking up 754 cases of various nature.

Out of the total cases taken up before all the benches in the General Lok Adalat, 455 cases were settled on spot by intervention of the benches and by participation of the lawyers and litigants. The settled cases included cases from MACT and Bank recovery which led to a total settlement amount to the tune of Rs 52,42,800.

At Bandipora, a General Lok Adalat was today organized in the premises of District Court Complex, Bandipora under the Chairmanship of District Legal Services Authority, Bandipora (Pr. District & Session Judge Bandipora) Amit Sharma.

A total of 4 Benches were constituted to take up different cases. The Benches took up 210 Cases out of which 78 Cases were settled amicably against settlement amount of Rs. 11,92,900.