Geographers of ILGiSN at the “Apple Blossom” holiday!

Students of the Department of Geosciences and Geotechnologies of the Institute of State Geology and Science took part in the festival “Apple Blossom”, which took place on the territory of the Botanical Garden of PetrSU.
Geographers organized an intellectual platform “Step into Nature” and held fascinating thematic master classes on topography “Walking on the Planet” and on geology “Treasure Island”. The guys taught everyone to determine the sides of the horizon, rocks and minerals.

The site was very lively, fun and noisy. Parents and children determined the hardness of minerals like real geologists, set off in azimuth with our topographers, not suspecting that at the end of the journey, little treasures awaited them. Guests from distant Yakutia, young geologists from the “Archei” club, townspeople and guests of the city visited the PetrSU site. The students showed their professional pedagogical skills that will be useful to them in the future.

Maxim Manakov shared his impressions of the work on the site:

It was interesting and useful as a mini-practice for us.

And here is what Anya Menshikova said:

We really enjoyed this holiday! Many of us were here for the first time! And these are amazing emotions! Botsada always has its own atmosphere, warmth, beauty!

We were able to find a common language with both small children and older children, our parents were also interested in our station, we taught many to walk in azimuth! And the kids were so pleased to find a sweet prize, and we were happy from their smiles. We have not regretted that we were in the center of fun and useful events!