Gleneagles Global Health City and Rotary Club of Chennai Gemini, Join Forces to Host a Free Osteoporosis Spine Screening Camp for Senior Citizens in Chennai

Chennai :  In an effort to promote healthy aging and improve the overall well-being of senior citizens in our community, Gleneagles Global Health City is delighted to announce Free Osteoporosis Spine Screening Camp for Senior Citizen in Chennai. The free Osteoporosis Spine Screening Camp is a collaborative initiative with Rotary Club of Chennai Gemini, Team Orthopaedics & Club Foot of District Community Service Health, RID 3232 along with Institute of Advanced Spine Sciences, Gleneagles Global Health City. The free will be open to senior citizens aged 60 and above.

Rtn Dr S Ramesh Babu, Chairman, Rotary Team Orthopaedics & Clubfoot, District Community Service Health, RID 3232 inaugurated the camp today in the presence of Dr Alok Khullar, Chief Executive Officer, Gleneagles Health City and Dr. Phani Kiran, Senior Consultant – Spine Surgeon, Gleneagles Global Health City, The Osteoporosis Camp will take place from 21st October 2023 to 30th October 2023 at Gleneagles Globa Health City, Perumbakkam, Chennai. Interested participants are encouraged to register in advance to secure their spot. To register or for more information, please contact 044 44777000.

Osteoporosis, a common and often undiagnosed condition among older adults, can lead to brittle bones and an increased risk of fractures. By offering this free camp, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of bone health and provide valuable information and screenings to participants. The camp will feature a range of services including bone density testing, informative sessions on nutrition and exercise, and consultations with experienced healthcare professionals said Dr Alok Khullar, CEO, Gleneagles Global Health City.


Dr. Phani Kiran, Senior Consultant – Spine Surgeon, Gleneagles Global Health Cityexpressed the significance of early detection and preventive measures in maintaining bone health among the elderly. “Osteoporosis can have a profound impact on the quality of life for seniors, but with the right information and lifestyle adjustments, we can mitigate its effects. This camp will empower seniors with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their bone health.”