Global Accolades for University of Newcastle’s Professor Talley in Medicine

More than 25,000 scientists across the world were considered for the 2024 World Online Ranking of Best Medicine Scientists, which is based on several indicators and metrics including paper and citation values for an examined discipline.

Laureate Professor Talley was ranked 171st in the world and 1st in Australia on the list, recognising his influential contributions to medicine.

Professor Talley has led an illustrious career in internal medicine, disease and surgery, specialising in gastroenterology, epidemiology, research and clinical education. His recent research is concerned with low-grade gastrointestinal inflammation, small intestinal immune activation and the microbiome in unexplained GI diseases and disorders of gut-brain interactions.

The complete World Online Ranking of Best Medicine Scientists is led by and aims to ‘inspire scholars, entrepreneurs and politicians worldwide to examine where prominent experts are heading and to give an opportunity for the whole scientific community to get to know who the leading experts in specific fields of research, in various countries, or even within research institutions are.’