Government of Canada Launches Initiative to Support Ukraine-Based Scientists


As a direct result of Russia’s unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine, many scientists, particularly women, are abandoning their research projects and scientific careers.

In response to this crisis, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, has announced the launch of a new initiative to help Ukraine preserve and rebuild its science and research capacity in the natural resource sectors. Through the Canada–Ukraine Science Partnership, scientists from Ukraine willing to come to Canada can submit their resume through a newly created website. This program will provide temporary employment to Ukrainian scientists fleeing the war by leveraging its regional lab network, relationships with academia and existing relations with Ukrainian science institutes.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has received 39 applications since publishing the website on August 31, 2022. NRCan is aiming to hire five Ukraine-based scientists by December 2022 and up to 20 scientists by the end of this fiscal year. NRcan will connect scientists fleeing the war with temporary research opportunities in Canada, where they will bring their knowledge and expertise to the natural resource sectors including, but not limited to, oil and gas, critical minerals, forestry, marine geoscience and earth observation.

The Canada–Ukraine Science Partnership is the first initiative of the Supporting Scientists in Crises Abroad: Canada–International Science Partnerships program and is part of the Government of Canada’s efforts to address present and future global crises, with an emphasis on helping preserve science capacity around the world.