Government of Canada launches request for proposal to develop “next generation” quiet vessel technologies

Ottawa: The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of reducing underwater noise to support the protection and recovery of Canada’s endangered whale species. Acoustic disturbances can affect their ability to find prey, navigate effectively, and communicate with each other, while also creating stress.

Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced the launch of a new request for proposal to support the development of propulsion improving devices, specifically aimed at reducing underwater noise generated by propellers.

Propellers are the most significant source of noise generated by most vessels. By implementing devices like ducts, fins, rudders, or propeller caps on a vessel, the flow of water across the propeller can be optimized to reduce underwater noise.

Projects will be funded through Transport Canada’s Quiet Vessel Initiative, which is testing the most promising technologies, vessel designs, retrofits and operational practices to make vessels quieter, reducing the impacts of underwater noise on vulnerable marine mammals, like the Southern Resident killer whale.

The deadline for bid submissions is July 28, 2022, and all projects are to be completed by March 31, 2024.